Envirosonic - Algae Control Specialists

Environment News
from stuff.co.nz

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Welcome to Envirosonic NZ - Specialists in Algae Control

We are dedicated to providing true, environmentally friendly solutions for a number of today's environmental problems. Our aim is to promote the scientific use of safe, low powered, low energy ultrasound technology. We use this technology to control and eliminate harmful and toxic algaes, biofilms and bacterial pathogens in water sources and other areas. These include lakes, ponds, waterways, public and private water supplies, cooling towers, power stations and many other industrial and public areas.

We represent Envirosonic UK and are its sole distributor for New Zealand, Australia and SE Pacific. Envirosonic is one of the world's leading providers of ultrasound technology. It has been active in Europe and the US for a number of years and has an enviable record of success.